Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Multilevel Marketing Companies Do Work - Why Do So Many People Fail at Building a Downline?

Have you realize different people fail at building a downline in multilevel marketing companies? Network marketing has a 97% failure rate and the reason I believe this is simple... the people who get involved with them are lazy. They flat out do not do anything and simply do not understand what it takes to build a rock solid business.

But it's not their fault though; the reason why most don't take it serious is because the price of entry is so low. When you start a franchise off-line, they usually cost a couple of hundred thousand or even millions of dollars to get that franchise up and going. Also it's interesting to note that you cannot expect to see a profit until 3 to 5 years.

Since this is the case with normal business why do people who get involved in the multilevel marketing industry think that they are going to get rich overnight and have their dreams accomplished within a couple of weeks. It's a shame and that's why so many people fail and quit at this business.

So what can you do to make this right? Well you're not going to be able to change others philosophies but you sure can change your own.

Change the way you think right now!

Stay away from all of the negativity from people who are failing themselves and understand that you can make it happen as long as you pick a company, product or service that people want and are willing to pay money to have. Once you do this will see the results starting to come in.

Don't just sit around and make excuses like "normal" distributors, go out and make it happen.

Do you want to learn more about how I run my network marketing business online? I have just completed a brand new marketing system.

You can see it FREE here -

Omar Negron has been involved in network marketing since the ripe age of 18. He is the Co-Creator of The Work In Your Underwear System, which is expanding worldwide. To see his multilevel marketing companies strategy click the link above.

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