How To Promote Any MLM Home Business Or Affiliate Program With Free E-Books?
Viral promotions are one the best methods of marketing a mlm product or mlm service online. One of the easiest viral marketing mlm methods is the use of giving away free ebooks that contain valuable information. Enticing a prospect with free information on the front offers a non-confrontational method to get your prospect to take action. It builds a trusting relationship with your customer as you communicate with them in the e-book and future follow-up messages. Due to this fact they are more likely to purchase from you in the future as opposed to just promoting your product or service on the front end.
People come to the Internet to learn and research topics. However, the Internet is crammed with mlm home business advertising. Everywhere you go you'll find home business advertising. You see advertisements in the form of pop-ups, pop unders, banners, classifieds, articles, text links, spam, etc. People are bombarded with advertising hype every minute of every day when online. When you capture an interested customer offer them a free e-book on the subject matter in exchange for their e-mail address. This is non-committal and easy. You are not screaming, "BUY MY PRODUCT" but saying, "try this free information for your e-mail address". You are giving the customer a chance to see for himself or herself if what you have is what they want.
For example, say you are selling web hosting. Offer a 5-10 page e-book on how to pick the best web hosting services. Within this free e-book have your affiliate links embedded in the text of the e-book. You will come across as an authority on the subject matter and they will begin to trust your recommendation. Thus, they will eventually buy from you.
Viral marketing is a great way to build your mailing list. Once the customer has given you their e-mail address and received their free e-book, you can then send them follow-up e-mails on the subject matter through your autoresponder and eventually funnel them into one of your affiliate programs.
Offering something free on the front end of a sale is an old method to gain customer loyalty and trust. It has been used for hundreds of years and is a proven method to grow a business. Remember to write something of value and at no cost. There are also products out there that have already been written that you can get for a few bucks. You can look at Reprint Right sites, Public Domain or look around within the market niche you are trying to penetrate and see if someone is already doing this. You can then use theirs a template (don;t ever copy!) and re-write it adding in your own element, different benefits and tips and tricks.
Ralf Dooley is an Online Internet Marketer that believes in the concept of "people helping people" so you can be sure that he will help you and guide you on the right path for achieving success.Do you want to learn more about Ralf Dooley Runs His Home Business? Get your free info here:Easiest Way To Profit Online
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