Social media and network marketing almost go hand in hand today. I know very few network marketers who don't have social media accounts.
With an account on Twitter, MySpace or Facebook, you can communicate with customers, potential customers, team members, upline members and even potential team members.
To make the most of social media for your network marketing business I'd like to suggest some goals:
1. Set a goal of commenting on at least ten items per day. You might comment on a photo, status or tweet. The point is that you're opening the door to communication with the person you're leaving the comment for.
2. Set a goal of requesting two new friends or following two new people each weekday. This is ten possible new friends each week. When you send the friend request, add a message. If you've followed someone, let them know why. Send them a message. Let the person know who you are and why you've requested they be your friend. Do you share a common friend? Do you live in the same town? What brought you to them? One word of caution, no one wants to read "I've sent you a friend request so that I can spam my ads to you."
3. Answer those who take the time to message you, answer your tweets or comment on your page. Relationships are two way streets. If someone takes the time to send you a message or to comment on your page, answer them.
4. Set a goal of sending a private message to at least one person per day. Find something to talk about. Read their statuses or tweets and send them a direct message.
5. On the networks that allow photos, upload some of yours. Let people see you and see that you are a real person. I've received tons of comments on my photos. I post trip photos, family photos and even just fun photos. I give people something comment about.
Use these five tips to help build your following on the social networks. Network marketing is all about your network, so start building your today.
Audrey Okaneko has been in direct sales since 1983. You can read more of her articles at or you can Become a Tupperware Consultant
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